Our Community

Zoey's Human says: "This is Zoey Sophia Jo, better known as Zozo, using her daddy as a perch. She is a Pughasa (pug/lhasa apso mix) and is our baby, a 1 1/2 year old. She likes to lay along the back of her dad's chair when she isn't hanging out on his shoulder."

"This was her first driving lesson. FYI, we were stopped!"

Sparky's Human says, "This is Sparky Joe, whom we believe is a Jackapoo. He is 2 years old and we got him from the Elmira City Shelter. Sometimes he gets very possessive of his toys and holds them in his mouth for a long time. This particular night, he held the ball so long, he fell asleep with it in his mouth. I gently took it out while he was still very groggy and he started moving his jaw like it was stiff. I'm sure it was!"

Sweet siblings! They are 7 months old as of April 2013. Finnegan is orange/white, and Caitlyn is the Tabby.

Harley the Boxer is 2 years old as of April 2013

Scruffy's Human says, "This is Scruffy Joe doing what he does best...being cute. He is the oldest of our 6 dogs and will be journeying over the Rainbow Bridge tomorrow (4/13/13). He came to us from the Chemung County SPCA and he just turned 11. We aren't sure what mix of breeds he is, but what we do know is that he is a perfect pup." RIP Scruffy - we will miss you!!

Talk about giving someone a leg up! These cuties are French Bulldogs and will be one year old on 4/29/13!

Luigi's Human says, "Ok, just look at that face. Who could resist this little cutie? This is Luigi a/k/a Skippy Jon Joe. He is a 3 year old Shih tzu who does not know he is little. His personality is larger than life."

Quincy is a French Bulldog, brother to Fiona, and will turn 1 year old on 4/29/13.

11 months old as of April 2013

Salem is 11 months old as of April 2013, and lives with Garfield.

Serenity's Human says, "This is Serenity Jo, who in her former life was a contortionist. Actually, she is a retired racing greyhound that we got through Monica's Heart. She is 3 1/2 years old and loves to sleep in the strangest positions."

Fiona is a French Bulldog, sister to Quincy and will turn 1 year old on 4/29/13.

Scamper's Human says, "Scamper Joe, a 9 year old shepherd/chow mix is the protector of the pack. He believes that it is his job to patrol the fenced-in yard for any predator. He does a great job!"

Enjoying some porch time!

What are you doing under that tree, Mister?

Blake is 5 years old this year, and was found as a stray at 4 weeks.

I bet he's wondering how to get himself on that calendar!

Ringo is a 13 year old (as of 2013) Main Coon

Mandy is a 4 yr old (as of 2013) German Shorthair Pointer

Opie's Human says, "Pictured is "Opie", our 8 month old mixed breed. She's been a patient there for a few months. So glad we switched to CCC... your staff is friendlier and your rates are more attractive. Plus, Opie LOVES the furniture in your exam rooms.

The Rock Star is a German Shephard Mix, and is just over 13 yrs old, as of 2013.

Autumn will be 4 years old this year!
Morgan Jeremiah Fund
The Morgan Jeramiah Fund is an in-house donation fund started by our doctors in memory of Morgan Jeramiah, a beloved Dalmation patient who lost his battle with cancer on 12/1/08.
As veterinary professionals, pets touch our lives in so many ways. To us, Morgan Jeramiah embodied the true meaning of strength in the face of adversity and pain. He fought a long, hard battle, wagging his tail the entire time, and never forgot to greet us with a friendly cheek lick.
Although he is gone, his spirit lives on in the form of The Morgan Jeramiah Fund, which makes it possible for pets with financial difficulties to recieve veterinary care at our clinic. A donation is made by our doctors, and sometimes even the staff, in honor of each pet who is lost to us, one of our clients, or a friend/family member of our staff or doctors.

Morgan Jeramiah
9/15/02 - 12/1/08

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